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Scribe for You!


I do calligraphy in all languages.

Howdy!  I'm Len Robertson.


For English, I am a self-taught calligraphy, starting from when I copied Old English type as a six-year-old from the encyclopedia (with a pencil).  Later I learned to use a wide nib and hold it at a 45° angle for beautiful writing.


I studied some art in high school and college, but I actually got my undergraduate degree in Music.  


I also went to 5 Bible colleges:  Dallas Bible College, my dad's, my home church's, Criswell College (for Hebrew classes) and Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary (to audit Greek), but I only graduated from my dad's Bible college.


While a missionary in China, I studied Chinese calligraphy and Chinese watercolor painting during some of my Chinese studies.  The same brush and technique is used for both painting and calligraphy in China.  Now I have been married a dozen years to Triphina.  We hope to soon adopt and birth children.


I am especially interested in Bible calligraphy.  I love to put Scriptures into beautiful writing.  I provide art to pastors, rabbis and priests for free.  Anyone else is my potential customer....this could mean YOU!

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